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Why ImPuls method?

Your horse is healthy, you train together regularly and apart from a few small "things" everything is fine. But why do you have the feeling that his performance could be better?

We often just carry on, partly out of habit, partly out of expectation, and always work in the same way, practising the same movements and training until we have mastered them. Then it's off to a competition, a race or even just a long ride. And again you get the feeling that things could be better. Just a few days ago, your horse was performing the movements so perfectly. And there can't really be a problem, you've only just been to the vet. So what now? It's time to look for another solution to achieve what you think is possible for both of you...!

The ImPuls method is a new massage technique derived from 14 years of experience and successful work with sport horses at the highest level. The method was developed to cover a specific niche in performance enhancement. If your vet and trainer have done everything they can, and you have done everything you can, then maybe it's time to try this NEW method! The technique used by ImPuls is a special form of energetic massage and helps to release the blockages that arise during training. These often manifest themselves in the horse as stiffness or lethargy and increased difficulty in fulfilling certain required tasks. Massage increases the flow of energy and thus supports the optimal functioning of the body. Optimum function ultimately leads to increased performance.

Energetic massages benefit your horse in many ways. Physically, the blood flow is increased, which is essential for all bodily functions. The massages also trigger a feeling of relaxation and well-being. This relaxation subsequently optimises rest periods and helps the body to recover more quickly from the demands of training. Once its energy reserves have been restored and replenished, your horse will ultimately be able to perform better.

Regular, customised massage sessions make - and keep - your horse fit for the competition season and enable you to achieve the best possible performance at the crucial time. It is essential that you regularly take care of your four-legged sports partner in order to keep his performance at a high level for a longer period of time. ImPuls is happy to work with your entire team to achieve this.

Adrienne Tomkinson

ImPuls Methode, we have a holistic physiotherapeutic approach to health and wellbeing in horses. Through treatments, consultations and courses we support owners and horses in achieving their performance goals. Natural remedies mean no unhealthy risks whilst successfully boosting the body's own self-healing process. Our new product 'Balance Plus CBD Gel for Horses', is the first in our developing range of CBD Products. With Balance Plus, your horse is soon feeling good again, naturally.
