About us

The ImPuls method combines three essential modules of equine bodywork. The aim is to release blockages, restore energy balance, improve well-being and increase performance.

The 3 modules - manual therapy, energy balancing and active gymnastics - form the basis of our bodywork sessions. Bodywork with us is therefore more than just a massage. It is a holistic working method in which science meets esotericism and the horse benefits as a whole.

Manual therapy techniques developed according to the ImPuls method release physical blockages that are often caused by the following circumstances:

  • Education/Training
  • Poorly fitting equipment or saddle
  • unbalanced sitting posture rider
  • Misalignments and muscle tension
  • Energetic blockages (such as fear or pain)
  • Injuries to the musculoskeletal system

Energy balancing techniques release blockages in the energy body. Such blockages can be caused by physical or emotional factors, for example. Emotional triggers are often:

  • Stress
  • Boredom
  • Fear
  • traumatic experiences
  • Pain memories

The reciprocal connection between the physical and energy bodies should not be underestimated. If you release the energy blockages at the same time as the physical blockages, you can maximise the benefits of the ImPuls Method Bodywork session for your horse.

Active gymnastics are specific exercises to enhance the effect of massage and energy balancing. Active gymnastics exercises mobilise the joints, strengthen the muscles, restore correct muscle function and improve body awareness and range of motion (ROM). Horses really enjoy these useful exercises! The routines and exercises are customised to your horse's individual situation and adapted on an ongoing basis.

The ImPuls Method Bodywork (massage, energy balancing and active gymnastics according to the ImPuls Method) is a gentle method and therefore a pleasurable experience for the horse.

The ImPuls method is the result of founder Adrienne Tomkinson's lifelong work and passion for bodywork.

Horses are very important for our sport. High physical demands are placed on the animals when they have to carry several people at the same time at a gallop. This is stressful for their bodies. In addition, the horses must have a calm disposition and always be able to concentrate on their tasks. This is the only way to ensure the vaulters' safety. This is precisely why Adrienne's work is so important for our horses. Her massage and work techniques have a holistic effect. She endeavours to ensure the physical and mental well-being of the animal at the same time. Our horses are relaxed because they feel good physically. You can see this in their energy and performance.

Klaus HaidacherTrainer, Chairman VG Pill TU Schwaz