Sports coaching

Coaching sessions are like personalised training for you and your horse. Thanks to our approach, which is based on a special understanding of anatomy and biomechanics, we can teach you techniques that counteract common mistakes. Coaching sessions are different from your riding lessons and are best used in conjunction with a discipline-specific instructor.

We work with you to improve the seat balance in particular. A balanced seat enables you to create the ideal conditions for your horse. The result is the (re)creation of a good rider/horse relationship, enabling you to perform better in your chosen discipline.

We also focus on working with you to promote the right muscle development for your horse. Sports conditioning programmes are tailored to the individual situation to get the best out of you and your horse. In general, we recommend a programme duration of 3 months to start with. However, programmes are also available for periods of 1-12 months.

The ImPuls Method offers coaching sessions via remote training. We are registered with Move 'n Coach, a coach finder service. Through this system, we are able to observe you via live video and give you helpful instructions in real time.