Bodywork is like a massage, only better. In traditional massage, the focus is either on muscles, joints or fascia - such as in sports massage, shiatsu or myofascial release. We have developed a new hand technique that is used during our bodywork sessions. Our ImPuls Method routine targets all of the above areas. It is a soft and gentle method that nevertheless manages to have an effect on all levels - releasing tension, promoting blood circulation, improving ROM (range of motion) and restarting the body's own self-healing process.

We recommend regular sessions. When muscle tension is released in the long term, the skeleton returns to its original state in most cases. This state of health must then be maintained.

In complicated cases, we ask for a veterinary diagnosis before the first appointment so that we can ensure that we find the best solution for your horse.

ImPuls Method Bodywork is an addition to your horse's healthcare team. We enjoy working closely with vets, chiropractors, farriers, saddlers and riding instructors. Only when your horse feels its best can it perform at its best!

ImPuls Method Bodywork sessions can be enhanced by incorporating our other modules (energy balancing, active gymnastics exercises)!