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Massage - Why and how often?

We all know that massages can be wonderfully relaxing. When the body relaxes in this way, endorphins are released, muscles are loosened, blood flow is increased and a feeling of well-being sets in. For your horse, of course! Did you know that regular massages as part of your programme can improve your horse's condition?

Muscles react to training, mental tension, emotions and other external factors. Massages are important in all performance levels and disciplines as they help the body to regulate itself (homeostasis) and to cope with the demands of training. Releasing blockages does not only affect the muscles. The interaction of several body systems is supported and promoted. As this also rebalances the energy levels, you can work on extending your performance limits.

Does your horse work enough or too much? Do you only occasionally have time to work more intensively with your horse and is it then stiff? Or have you trained hard and worked on new activities, but you have now reached the limit?

Tip 1 - Massage can be helpful. Sometimes the muscles do not function well enough to perform at their best. A massage can help your horse to relax the muscles and break down the toxins caused by training, so that full muscle function can be restored.

Is your horse behaving differently than usual? No dramatic changes in behaviour when eating, working or in the daily routine, but rather a slight irritability, it's just a bit out of character. In some cases, longer phases of slight discomfort can turn into more severe discomfort.

Tip 2 - We take "wellness" literally! Our horses sense our energy strongly, take on a lot, react accordingly and have their own feelings. Regular "wellness" sessions for your horse bring your horse's state of mind and body back into balance. The positive effect of the endorphins that are released during the massage reaches deep into the cellular level.

Have you only recently bought a new horse? Or have you started training with a young horse? It is important that you recognise and understand the horse's temporary discomfort during muscle development.

Tip 3 - Support the elimination of the by-products of muscle contraction and muscle building through massage. Minor blockages caused by micro-damage, which is essential for muscle development, could lead to major problems down the line. Minimise the risk through regular stretching and massage.

How much time, energy and money have you invested in your competition horse? I'm sure you want to prevent anything from going wrong. Think about it: "Why are competitive athletes regularly massaged? Isn't the same true for your horse?"

Tip 4- Intensive training and competitions can lead to exhaustion and weakness. Regular massages help the body to maintain a certain homeostatic level. Massages support optimal muscle contraction and help to work toxins out of the body before they can become a problem.

Now you know all the benefits, it definitely makes sense for you to invest in regular massages. Right?

Adrienne Tomkinson

ImPuls Methode, we have a holistic physiotherapeutic approach to health and wellbeing in horses. Through treatments, consultations and courses we support owners and horses in achieving their performance goals. Natural remedies mean no unhealthy risks whilst successfully boosting the body's own self-healing process. Our new product 'Balance Plus CBD Gel for Horses', is the first in our developing range of CBD Products. With Balance Plus, your horse is soon feeling good again, naturally.
